Friday, 26 July 2019

Brighton Latest from The Middle Class Wrapper (week 1)

Wow it's been about 6 months since I last posted to this blog! To anyone who cares,sorry that's proper rubbish and time to kick it off again.

I was lucky enough to be interviewed on Brighton TV station Latest TV last week.I was even luckier that they gave in and agreed to let me write in their magazine.

It makes sense that I take that opportunity to upload that here.

Hope it amuses you and to check out my Utube channel click this link.

I'm a middle class Wrapper
That's Wrapper W Double P,
This is probably a crisis of a mid life nature,
A Utube channel? Gangster rap parody!
So you parody songs to amuse the exhausted?
Isn't there somewhere else you should be?

Sometimes you have to be the 1st person to believe it,
actual age 40 delusion age 23
I'm a seafront officer,
I'm married to a teacher 

I bet hes got kids!
You're right we've got 3!
A rapper in Saltdean? The Middle class has no edge!
Well last year we a power cut and a scary gang of rough kids
went and stole our sledge!

I've seen your crappy rap you just don't have the timing
I think its all subjective I'm basically just rhyming 

Middle class stressed? That's total nonsense!
I don't know mate think it depends on the context
Were all fighting something,wanting something to be,
You're fighting a stranger? I'm fighting OCD!

Poor Brighton Latest try as they might
Gave up a column so I'm going to write
I asked, they said no,I welled up, kept asking why?
Convinced them with some awkward
and no one really wants to see a grown man cry

So today from now on well at least for a while
I'm on this written word mission to make the stressed out smile,
and if not that then maybe I can make you think
my life could be worse
gee whizz oh golly
I've got gout 
bad credit
but at least I'm not that wally!

Okay MC wrapper what's on this weeks flow?
I start with that next week
Cos this was the intro.

Please get in contact via my website Utube Instagram Facebook or Twitter.



Facebook-James Macdonald

Utube-Middle class Wrapper 

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