Monday, 3 September 2018

"My Pedigree Chum."

We've just had a lovely, I'd want to say staycation but it was more of a, "blagging three nights of eating great food, drinking wine we can't afford and letting my Mum do bath and bedtime-cation."

While we were there William, our 4 year old middle one spent pretty much every waking moment with their dog. Millie is definitely his new "Bestest Pedigree Chum."

They realised they have a shared love of all the best things in life.

1) Posting their Granddad's tennis balls down rabbit holes.
2) Licking people's faces
3) Begging for more food.
4) Stealing socks.
5) Weeing in the garden

Anyway here are the lyrics in case you can't understand my mumblings in the song. If you can't be bothered to read this you can watch the song at this link.

You’re a big bouncy Labrador 
Stealing socks all the time
You’ve a habit of eating those socks
And they’re usually mine
You’ll never stop begging
But you’ll always be a friend of mine

They said you could win Crufts
But that was just a lie
They also said you were a pedigree
But I can’t remember why
You seem terrified of rabbits 
But a fan of chicken pie

You’re a big bouncy Labrador
Licking your privates all the time
When I get up off the sofa 
You nick my place every time
You seem scared of the hoover
But you’re still a friend of mine


When I try to get a sun tan 
You’re always there to lick my face 
Think you’re being supportive 
Like a pedigree chum
Well this would be endearing 
If you hadn’t just licked your bum


They said you were well trained 
But that’s not really true
They also said you can sit and wait
But your busy stealing shoes
All the carpets smell of foxes
Cos you’ve been rolling in their pooh 

You’re a big bouncy Labrador 
Running off all the time 
I’d really love to let you off the lead
Yes that would be sublime 
You’ve just terrified two horses 
But you’re still a friend of mine 

Please come and say hello on Twitter, Facebook or Utube.

Copyright James Macdonald 2018

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