I have been overly checking, amongst other things, door locks, taps and car handbrakes are "definitely still off!" for as long as I can remember.
Apparently Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result was a sign of madness.
That would definitely make me mad. Or it could just make me someone who gets anxious easily and thinks that rituals like repeatedly checking a door a tap the car door the handbrake is definitely off will help make me feel calmer. Sadly it really doesn't it just reinforces the compulsion and makes them stronger and harder to break. Following a 3 month CBT course in 2010 I was told that I had OCD.
OCD can give me distressing and unsettling intrusive thoughts which lead to feelings of shame and guilt. This leads to increased feelings of anxiety and then finally to finish off a big hairy dollop of depression. I've been on and off various types of antidepressants since 2000. It's not great. I have also tried lots of things to combat it and have found that the following help in no particular order.
1) Not too much coffee (certainly none after 4pm ish)
2) Getting no less than 5 hours a sleep-not easy as a parent to 3 under 6!
3) Exercise (anything from gardening to being the tickle monster,it's all good!)
4) Meditation
5) Time spent with my family
6) And last but by no means least the activity that seems to be the thing that has really got the dragon on it's back,Brazilian Jui Jitsu.
This song is about that. I hope you enjoy it.
James aka Middle Class Wrapper
"The gentle art"
BJJ is something I do
in my spare time its teaching me how to be humble when submitted by teenagers
A mid-life crisis can
be avoided if you take the route straight to
what is known as
I struggle with OCD
I get anxious locking
I always want to check
them one more time
Who's that worried
looking bloke?
You should stop feeling
so anxious mate
Get some gentle art!
All the white belts
So many white belts
They’ll all learn to control their minds
If they learn to stick to this gentle art
Did you hear that bloke scream?
I train whenever I want
As long as it's Wednesday
the other nights I’m wrestling
small people into pyjamas
I wash my gum shield
Make sure I’ve got a
And I attempt to leave
the house
Gentle art
I try to help the white
That usually involves
But it gives me a sense
of enormous well-being
I'm then happy for the
rest of the day
Safe in the knowledge
They’ll remember
beating a father of 3 and
turning him the colour of his belt
All the white belts
10% become blue belts
If they learn to stick
to this gentle art
They call it Gentle art
I must be doing it wrong it doesn’t feel very gentle
It's got nothing to do
with your
Fast twitch muscle
fibres, you know
And it's not about your
split times
That go up and down and
up and down
All the blue belts
And most of the purples
And they’ll all learn to control their minds
If they learn to stick to this the gentle art
1 in 100
Might become a black belt
It also might help me to be
a bloke who can just
leave the house
Know what I mean
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