Friday, 28 December 2018

Wow! That's what I call a Christmas Fairytale parody.

Is the fact that this year,I really didn't want anything for Christmas evidence of my complete lack of imagination.Or that I am already blessed to have everything I want and need in my life?

It's probably a bit of both. Thanks to all those adverts that are "helpfully" aired every 2-3 minutes in between Milkshake cartoons our 2, probably like most children decided that their Christmas would be a total write off if they didn't get everything they had decided they really did need.

"Daddy I do really need a Pink plastic nail salon and cryptocurrency trading suite!"

"I'm not sure you, need, it darling ?"

"No I really do."

"I think Maslow might have something to say about that!"

Here's the link to the song in case you're not much of a reader. I hope it amuses you and if it does please like, share and subscribe it. I'd also love to hear what you thought about it?
Having watched it would you share the reaction of an anonymous lady in Wolverhampton on Reddit?

"WTF was that!" 

Or would you view it slightly more favourably? I'd genuinely love to know and I will do my best not to sulk for a few hours or crash round the house if you're feedback is leaning towards Wolverhampton.

It was Christmas Eve again,
I was at a bus stop
An odd man said to me
Do you want this Brussel Sprout

He then delivered a speech
Second act scene one King Lear
I slowly backed away
Trying not to show my fear

Will crypto currency
Take all my debts
from me
We’ve got our finger crossed
For those shares in XRP
So happy Christmas
You’re still my hunny bun
If I gave you a mark out of ten
I’d definitely give you one

Our cars full of toys
And half eaten fruit
Where do I put the recycling
Oh it goes in the boot
You casually mentioned
that we’ll need an estate
I’ve booked a vasectomy
One snip too late

You snore
You’re pretty
your occasionally witty
When there’s food on the floor
Your there with the mop
You’re constantly singing
Are all parents winging?
Kiss me in the kitchen
Lets embarrass the kids

Has been on loop
since at least last July
And every question we ask
Is met with Why?

You’re Aquarius
I’m Leo
Please stop being Neo
Stop shouting at the rugby
you must know the score

He’s itching its lice
looks and taste just like rice
We’re both exhausted
But I feel truly blessed

The kids put their stockings up
Just after Valentines day
Will I get all I hope for
I couldn’t say

The Tesco orders due
Oh great re heated stew
I grew 3 babies
We’d agreed no more than two
You always get your way
You know that’s just not true
I wanted beige or pink
 The car is clearly blue
The snowman song
Has been on loop
since at least last July
And every question we ask
Is met with Why?

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Wow! That's what I call a romantic weekend in Branston

Driving home for Christmas or in this case thanks to some emergency childcare from my sister and her daughter, a romantic weekend in Branston, Staffordshire.

The key to successful parenting and living, I reckon, is if you can manage to shoe horn a romantic weekend into the same weekend you are celebrating your wife's best friend's 40th birthday,dropping off Christmas presents and road testing the new family car.

Here's the link to the song in case you're not much of a reader. I hope it amuses you and if it does please like share and subscribe it. I'd also like to hear what you thought about it?

Was it "the lamest thing you've heard this year!" according to a man in Ohio, or was it slightly better than that? I'd love to know and I will do my best not to sulk for a few hours or crash round the house if you're feedback is not of the Ohio style.

Romantic weekend in Branston
Yes that place they make the Pickle
We left the children with my sister Yeah
Two nights of sleep will be sublime
And its been so long
But fingers crossed
You’ll see me in my thong
Two whole nights away
We’re Driving in a car
In a car without the children

Its gonna take about five hours
But we don’t care
The train was an option yeah
But it’s nowhere to be seen
Our hotel is near the fairway yeah
Get bare feet on stripey ground

we’re in room 15
With complimentary
tea and coffee
And I do my press ups
In the bathroom yeah
Cos you’re having a nap
Got ourselves to Branston
Its pretty close to Lichfield

That’s a very twinkly sign
Might come back on a Thursday
That food looks pretty good
Competitively priced

A two night break in Branston
Saw a tree growing in a hatchback
Two night break in Branston yeah
Get my feet in smarter shoes
Shall I order for you
I think you’d like the seabass
I’ll think I’ll have the steak
With a side order of something
Were eating just us two
Eating at a table
No arguments about Ipads
Or a thousand questions why

I take a look at the couple next to me
He’s got the same
He’s just got caught, just got caught
Checking out the waitress

Cold shoulder from his wife
That was poorly timed
What a school boy error

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Now! That's what I call a Christmas Budget.

Christmas is for children. Yes that's probably true but only because it's paid for by adults. Cynical and Grinch-esque as that may sound when you have 3 children under the age of 6 who stand inches from of the TV watching really unhelpful adverts, every Saturday from September just monotonously saying....

"I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that
 I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that
I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that
I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that!"

If that's your situation it can definitely add little bit of stress and pressure to you finances. My advice, is to set a Budget and try to stick to it.

Either that or send your wife your half of the costs in November and pretend not to hear any dramatic sighs from her about Mini Boden catalogues or 50 % Mud kitchens.

I hope you and yours have a superb Christmas and wonderful New Year.


James aka The Middle Class Wrapper

Here is a link to the song in case you'd rather just watch it.

Did you hear
Are you listening
Wind still blows
Rain still drizzling
A two hour stalement
One more spinning plate
It must be the Christmas budget chat

What are we spending on each other
It depends what we get your mother
The atmospheres tense
So it probably makes sense
To have just a quick budget chat

We could wrap the presents we gave them last year
It will save a stressful trip to town
Most of their toys still look brand new
And I really don’t need another dressing gown

2000 words on the budget
Is in the bin we’re going to fudge it
You got your present in May he smiles everyday
And I just want some coffee and some pants

There’s nowhere to build a snowman
We live on the outskirts of a town
If we built a snowman in our garden
It would look and smell strange cos mud is brown 

Money talk in December
Can bring stress
but please remember
A roof over your head
You get to sleep in a bed
Don’t over think the Budget chat

Every year for the past 10 or so I have grown a moustache every November to support the Movember foundation. They do a lot of truly great work in the support of any men struggling with testicular cancer, prostrate cancer and mental health problems.

Here is the link to the song in case you'd rather just watch it.

Movember is here again
Where men have an itchier face
Taches all over the place
It’s Time to stand Mo by Mo
To support brothers fathers and sons
It's not just all hairy lipped fun
Make the World proud of you
Well I’m proud of you
Depression can make you feel small,
Am I qualified to check my own balls?
 Always believe in your MO
You've got the power to GROW
Getting men talking through their
Never assume a quiet mate’s fine
He might just need a bit of your time
We’re not indestructible,
backing your brothers with your
After that painful shave
I hope you find a little more time
To remember fallen partners in crime
¾ of all suicides
 That man with a smile and the frown
Men living in cities and towns
That man could be you
yes it could be you
Depression is a high prison wall
Am I qualified to check my own balls?
Mo Mo
Always believe in your MO
You've got the power to GROW
We’re fighting a battle with a MO
My lip resembles a fern
Something we all need to learn
We’re not indestructible,
always believe in....

(Musical interlude)

Cancer is a high prison wall
It needs a good kick in the balls
from your MO
Always believe in your MO
You've got the power to GROW
A hairier top lip
You’re fighting the battle with your MO
Not all are bound to return
Something we all need to learn
We’re not indestructible
Compliment someone’s on their MO

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Anyone with kids, especially anyone with a new born, who is therefore probably well in the eye of the parenting storm, will try and convince you that they can tell exactly from the slightest change in tone or key what each cry means. 

"Oh that's a semi tone up from a B flat, that means he's a bit cross that we haven't set him up with his own Instagram account yet!"

I may well be being a bit cynical. To be honest it's an approach that has worked fairly well for 42 years so why change it now. From my experience crying usually means I'm hungry.


"I have a bubble of wind and am also still a bit hungry!"


"I am sitting in my own pooh and am a bit hungry."


There's a shadow by the window that's worrying me and  if there's any of that baby rice left I could probably go for a little helping.


"I have teeth growing through my gums which is a little uncomfortable.I 'm also happy to tidy up that cake if you want me to?"

I hope you like the song which was suggested by two of my closest friends and their fabulous little boy, Kit.

Love James aka The Middle Class Wrapper

Here a link to the song in case you're more of a watcher than a reader.

If I’m hungry I’m hungry

I’m not too hot
or too cold

but If I’m hungry I’m hungry
Need some milk to sup
In T minus 2 minutes
 I’ll wake everyone up

No I don’t need winding
Or a nursery rhyme
Stop fiddling with scratch mits
You're just wasting time

Stop pacing the floor
Same deal as last night
We walked a hole through the floor

Don’t need my temperature checking
 Snot picked out of my nose
I'm a  big fan of this white drink
That’s just how it goes
Not quite ready for solids
Or some baby rice
But if I’m completely honest

That sandwich looks nice

don’t want patting or smooching
Stop wiping my chin
Do you want the rest of this rice cake
Before it goes in the bin

I don’t need my bum changed
 not too hot
or too cold
Your peek a boo routine
Is getting pretty old

I don’t need my bum changed
I’m not to hot
Or too cold
Life would be easier
If you just did as your told

Stop singing and feed me
I need my 1 a day
Who’s parenting who here
Can anyone say

When the student is ready
They say the teacher arrives
A lifetime of listening
You know what I want from my cry