Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Now! That's what I call a Christmas Budget.

Christmas is for children. Yes that's probably true but only because it's paid for by adults. Cynical and Grinch-esque as that may sound when you have 3 children under the age of 6 who stand inches from of the TV watching really unhelpful adverts, every Saturday from September just monotonously saying....

"I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that
 I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that
I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that
I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that!"

If that's your situation it can definitely add little bit of stress and pressure to you finances. My advice, is to set a Budget and try to stick to it.

Either that or send your wife your half of the costs in November and pretend not to hear any dramatic sighs from her about Mini Boden catalogues or 50 % Mud kitchens.

I hope you and yours have a superb Christmas and wonderful New Year.


James aka The Middle Class Wrapper

Here is a link to the song in case you'd rather just watch it.

Did you hear
Are you listening
Wind still blows
Rain still drizzling
A two hour stalement
One more spinning plate
It must be the Christmas budget chat

What are we spending on each other
It depends what we get your mother
The atmospheres tense
So it probably makes sense
To have just a quick budget chat

We could wrap the presents we gave them last year
It will save a stressful trip to town
Most of their toys still look brand new
And I really don’t need another dressing gown

2000 words on the budget
Is in the bin we’re going to fudge it
You got your present in May he smiles everyday
And I just want some coffee and some pants

There’s nowhere to build a snowman
We live on the outskirts of a town
If we built a snowman in our garden
It would look and smell strange cos mud is brown 

Money talk in December
Can bring stress
but please remember
A roof over your head
You get to sleep in a bed
Don’t over think the Budget chat

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