Saturday, 13 October 2018

Happy in moderation

Happy in Moderation

You could read whatever you wanted into the title of this song.In the fantasy World of my mind where in the future there are podcasts being recorded primarily discussing The Middle Class Wrapper's early work, these may be some of the conspiracy theories.

"It's just a parody on Pharrell William's "Happy" song, which some low level nutritional advice thrown in to win over Mumsnet!"

"No I disagree there's much more to it. The MCW has always publicly been a big supporter of Mental health organisations having had his own struggles throughout his life. This "Happy in Moderation" song title was his way of, not only, acknowledging his own mental health struggles but saying that it's okay and appropriate to be happy some times and sad the other. That is not realistic or perhaps healthy to be "Happy" all the time. The effect social media now has on our lives makes everything seem like it has to be a minute by minute popularity contest where you are constantly  comparing your life against those around you!"

"I just thought he wanted Mumsnet to like him!"

"Maybe that as well!

This probably won’t work but here it goes
You need a proper meal not processed rub bishhh
Real food at a table on a dish
Family eating is my single biggest wish

Clap along if you have kids that refuse to eat some fruit
Clap along if your fruit bowl contains pens, keys and toys
Clap along is offering fruit is met with an angry noise
Clap along if pasta pesto is the healthy choice

New bad news about allergies
Your nose can shrink from eating too much cheese?
This week drinking beer on a school nights fine
Apparently we all need to be more alkaline

Clap along if you’ve just drilled a hole in your new shed roof
Clap along if your date night is Netflix and a take away
Clap along if it’s more like 5 a month than 5 a day

Clap along if your worried about that growing hole in the roof

No the choice is an apple or a smoothie, crisps aren’t on the "keeping you quiet ten minutes before tea time menu!"
Go ahead tell mummy when she’s home, I’m sure she agree with me!
There is always that chance she won’t.

Clap along if you think your scales just aren’t telling the truth
Clap along if your become obsessed with watching your children chew
Clap along if you feel like giving up and making a brew
Clap along if you’ve got something stuck in your tooth
Can’t survive on crisps alone where the actual proof
Clap along if your son will only eat off a plate that’s blue
Clap along if force feeding kids veg is nothing new
Clap along is your latest healthy start just went poof
I’m on the seafood diet, I see food and eat it.I'm thinking about switching to the whisky diet, my friend’s on it and he’s lost 3 days already!

Clap along if in moderation feels like a better fit
Clap along if your nutrition is best described and err not great
Clap along if your blood stream is about 50% latte
Clap along if your response to less caffeine is no way
Clap along if you’ve ever breathed in on a beach in Magaluf
Clap along if they eat better when they go and stay with Granny
Clap along if you live in fear of being visiting by "Supernanny!"
Clap along if you’re a Mum or Dad doing your best
Clap along if it felt good to get it off your chest

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