Thursday, 18 October 2018

"It's clean"

"It's Clean!"

There are a number of things I think you need for a successful marriage.

1) A really good sense of humour. There will be countless times when you are seconds away from either laughing or crying when you're a husband a wife or a parent. If when you've had a handful of minutes of sleep in the last week you stub your toe on a power ranger you are more inclined to laugh than cry then that's a good start.

2) Patience. Anyone who has been scatter cushion shopping in Dunelm will have a good understanding of what is required here.

3) A solid work ethic. Sometimes when it's really not your turn to do the feed, read the bedtime story, take the bins out but you can see in your partner's eyes they're running on fumes, you know just to suck it up and get it done, you're going to be winning.

4) And finally the last cornerstone but I think the most vital one, Trust. Without this I genuinely think you're stuffed. Being trusted to do the big things like paying the mortgage, not leaving the car with half a pint of diesel in it and picking the kids up on time. Being trusted to do the small stuff. For example if your wife asks you to get milk and bananas  on your way home instinctively knowing that means please get Milk, bananas and a surprise Toblerone.

I hope you enjoy the song.

Love The Middle Class Wrapper

It's clean
It's clean 
Its definitely clean 
I wish my wife would trust my cleaning skills

It's clean
It's clean 
Its definitely clean 
You've literally just watched me clean that bit

I'm pretty handy with the broom 
but my wife will walk from room to room
To micro check the gold star standard is achieved
She's supervising by the door
you could perform surgery on that floor
With white gloves on to check it's clean

Your dream man he's got the lot
Mr Cillit Bang it's Barry Scott
But I can clean as well as him
It's clean

I've met your Mum I understand
Loo roll safe with an elastic band
You can trust me with this work
It's clean

It's clean
It's clean 
Its totally clean 
I wish my wife would respect my cleaning style

It's clean
It's clean 
Its totally clean 
I'm sweeter at this work than Tate and Lyle

You've just put in a sold day
So let me suck that dust away
I even went behind the chair it's clean

I'm sworn to tackle dust and mould 
I own four pairs of marigolds
It's starting to wind me up now
It's clean!

It's clean
It's clean 
Its definitely clean
I wish my wife would trust my cleaning skills

It's clean
It's clean 
Its definitely clean
She's literally just watched me clean that bit again

It's clean

It's clean

Twitter @DadMissions2018

facebook @MiddleClassWrapper


Copyright James Macdonald 2018

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