Sunday, 19 August 2018

MC Wrapper: Bike Lane rage fest

I live in Saltdean and bike to and from my place of work on Brighton Seafront five days a week.
Sometimes I have a relaxed attitude about my front and back bike lights, but the guys at work have nicknamed me "Safety Dad" for a fairly good reason.

The high vis and bike helmet are always on when I'm cycling. Quite often when they don't need to be. I'm probably unlikely to sustain a serious head injury in the fruit section of the Co-op.
Their lighting is pretty good so they can probably see me pretty adequately without my High vis jacket on. That said, whatever you do in life there will always be someone there to critique you and tell you how you should be doing it. That's just life.I wouldn't worry to much if that happens to you. Keep doing your thing. The one opinion that really matters is the one you have of yourself. That's it.

Hope you like the song.

All the best

MC Wrapper


I’m the MC wrapper and my bike’s specialized

I'm rocking the high viz with my chaffing thighs

Some people wear no helmet

Like they’ve nothing to lose

With their padded crotches

And their clip in shoes


bike lane rage fest

You whizz like a rocket

In you’re vacumn packed shorts

I can read the text in your pocket


I’m the Middle class wrapper

I like cruising my bike

Keeps the waistline at 40

My calfs cassette box like

The benefits are clear

Fresh air feels great

Not to mention the seat

Massaging my prostrate


bike lane rage fest

You whizz like a rocket

It looks like your arse crack

Is sucking a locket


The same helmet man

Is getting all angsty

spies two a breast

lycra clad silver back

Beating his chest

There’s a daily lecture

whatever the season

His rantings gone viral

For all the wrong reasons

I feel his heavy breathing

Scorching my feet

The safety advice was given

While he's sending a tweet


bike lane rage fest

You whizz like a rocket

In you’re vacumn packed shorts

Can count the change in your pocket

Verse 4

You scream mate I’m coming!

Oi mate, coming right

It's the sort of comment

To wake me up in the night

You’ll get a hernia,

Getting all irrate

Your puncture at the co op

Was a sweet twist of fate

accept slower people

They’re doing their best

And cut out that tutting

When see two a breast


bike lane rage fest

You whizz like a rocket

Have an image of your bum

Even when I try to block it


Bikes are fun

Mr Bike lane rage face

Your not in the Velodrome

This isn’t a race

ladies with no high vis

Are bored of you chase

I do Jui jitsu with that one

And she carries mace

Put that lane rage in check

There are children about

An example to set,

Not scream or shout,

This is the MC wrapper

Exuding some charm

Keep your smiles wide

And our bike lanes calm


Please come and say hello on Twitter,Facebook or Utube.

                                                        Copyright James Macdonald 2018

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