Sunday, 19 August 2018

MC Wrapper: Chapter 5 "Stinky Chocolate Duck!"

Being a parent is a joy, a blessing a priveledge. It can also be very stinky smelly and tiring obviously in the best way possible. One areas where there is most apparent is bath time. This song details one of the fundamental challenges we most all surely face as parents at some time. I hope you like it and I know see the genuine need for a nail brush. Good luck with your own bathtime battles.

All the best

The MC Wrapper

                                                       Stinky Chocolate Duck song!

I’m the middle class wrapper
And I’m back from before
My biggest gig was in a Scout Hut
Not exactly
a successful World Tour
But I’m tackling the issues
That vex us day to day
Forgot to wash PE kit,
A mile of traffic in your way,
The daily grind of a school run
can put you in a twirl
Fuel light on, kids demanding a song, cd skipping like a school girl,
let’s turn our attention,
To when you’re getting them to bed,
hanging by your finger nails
Cebeebies jingle in your head,
Favourite toy of the moment,
Some animals from the farm,
You test the water with your eyelids
So you won’t scold your arm,
Your child is singing and a splashing,
Relaxed enough to smile and laugh,
Then your smile turns to horror,
Someone’s poohing in the bath,
They so need a hair wash,
Triple sweaty from soft play,
Rolled in something on the school trip,
That changed the colour of the hay,
Their diet is largely biscuits
So you might just be in luck
It has a beak of sweetcorn
Like a stinky chocolate duck,
You whip them out before they notice,
A secret you need to keep,
The only casualty a flannel,
And several plastic sheep,
If word of this escapes the bathroom,
Then you’ll fear for your life
clean the room at story time
And don’t inform the wife,
Quick quick remove the evidence
Wash the taps, bath and rails
Exhibit A from your hands
Someone else's pooh under your nails
It’s not sterilizing bottles
It’s a pretty minging task
If they weren’t such a part of you
It would be way too big an ask
These nights are ones to savour
One night in your future
They might be returning the favour
When the end of day gets crappy
Don’t gnash your teeth just laugh
That’s how MC Wrapper rolls
When scooping pooh out the bath

Please come and say hello on Twitter,Facebook or Utube.

   Copyright James Macdonald 2018

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